Why Are Indian Millionaires Leaving India? | Case Study 2023

There are a number of reasons why Indian millionaires are leaving the country. One of the most common reasons is taxation. India has a relatively high tax rate for high-income earners, and the tax code is complex and often opaque. This can make it difficult for millionaires to plan their finances and ensure that they are paying the correct amount of tax.

India is a country of great economic potential, with a rapidly growing population and a young workforce. However, in recent years, there has been a growing trend of Indian millionaires leaving the country. In 2023, it is estimated that 6,500 millionaires will leave India, down from 7,500 in 2022.

Another reason why Indian millionaires are leaving is the lack of rule of law. India has a long history of corruption and political instability. This can make it difficult for businesses to operate and for investors to feel confident that their assets are safe.

In addition, India has poor infrastructure. The roads, airports, and other public services are often inadequate, which can make it difficult and time-consuming to travel around the country. This can be a major inconvenience for millionaires who are used to living in countries with better infrastructure.

Finally, some Indian millionaires are leaving the country because they believe that their children will have better opportunities in other countries. They believe that the educational system in India is not good enough and that their children will have more opportunities to succeed in countries with a more developed economy.

The outflow of millionaires is a worrying trend for India. Millionaires are important contributors to the economy, and their departure can have a negative impact on growth. It is also a sign that India is not doing enough to create a favorable environment for businesses and investors.

The Indian government has taken some steps to address the issue of millionaire emigration. In recent years, the government has reduced taxes for high-income earners and simplified the tax code. The government has also made efforts to improve the rule of law and the infrastructure. However, more needs to be done to convince millionaires that India is a good place to live and invest.

If India wants to prevent the continued outflow of millionaires, it needs to address the underlying problems that are driving them away. This includes reducing taxes, improving the rule of law, and investing in infrastructure. The government also needs to do more to promote India as a desirable place to live and work. If India can do these things, it can reverse the trend of millionaire emigration and attract more wealthy individuals to the country.

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Where are Indian millionaires going?

The Henley Private Wealth Migration Dashboard also predicts where Indian millionaires are most likely to relocate in 2023. The top five destinations are:

1. Australia(5,200 Indian millionaires): Australia is a popular destination for Indian millionaires due to its strong economy, stable political environment, and high quality of life.

Indian Millionaires migrated from India to Australia

2. United Arab Emirates(4,500 Indian millionaires): The UAE is another popular destination for Indian millionaires due to its low taxes, business-friendly environment, and proximity to India.

Indian Millionaires migrated from India to UAE

3. Singapore(3,200 Indian millionaires): Singapore is a well-known financial hub and offers a high standard of living.

Indian Millionaires migrated from India to Singapore

4. United States(2,100 Indian millionaires): The US is a major economic power and offers a wide range of investment opportunities.

Indian Millionaires migrated from India to the United States

5. Switzerland(1,800 Indian millionaires): Switzerland is a safe and stable country with a high standard of living.

Indian Millionaires migrated from India to Switzerland

These countries offer a number of factors that are attractive to millionaires, including political stability, low taxes, good infrastructure, and high quality of life.

Reasons Why Indian Millionaires are Leaving the Country

  • Political instability: India has a long history of political instability, which has created uncertainty for businesses and investors. In recent years, there have been a number of high-profile corruption scandals, which have further eroded trust in the government.
  • Lack of rule of law: India has a weak rule of law, which makes it difficult for businesses to enforce contracts and protect their property rights. This can be a major deterrent to foreign investment, and it can also make it difficult for Indian businesses to operate effectively.
  • Poor infrastructure: India’s infrastructure is in poor condition, which can make it difficult and time-consuming to do business. This can be a major obstacle for businesses that need to transport goods and services quickly and efficiently.
  • High taxes: India has a high tax burden, which can make it difficult for businesses to make a profit. This is especially true for businesses that operate in sectors such as manufacturing and real estate, which are taxed at very high rates.
  • Corrupt bureaucracy: India has a notoriously corrupt bureaucracy, which can make it difficult and time-consuming to obtain government approvals and permits. This can be a major obstacle for businesses that are trying to expand or start new projects.
  • Poor education system. The education system in India is not as good as it could be. This can make it difficult for millionaires to find qualified employees, and it can also make it difficult for their children to get a good education.

These are just some of the reasons why Indian millionaires are leaving the country. It is a trend that is likely to continue in the years to come unless the government takes steps to address the concerns of the wealthy.

What can India do to stop millionaires from leaving?

There are a number of things that India can do to stop millionaires from leaving the country. These include:

1. Improving the political climate. The government needs to take steps to improve the political climate in India and to make the country more stable. This could include addressing corruption, ensuring that elections are fair, and protecting minority rights.

2. Reducing taxes. The government needs to reduce taxes for high-income earners. This would make it easier for millionaires to accumulate and retain wealth.

3. Investing in infrastructure. The government needs to invest in infrastructure, such as roads, airports, and power plants. This would make it easier for businesses to operate and for people to live comfortably.

4. Tackling corruption. The government needs to tackle corruption. This would make it easier for businesses to operate and for people to get things done.

5. Improving education and healthcare. The government needs to improve education and healthcare. This would make India a more attractive place to live for millionaires and their families.

By taking these steps, the government can create an environment that is more conducive to wealth creation and retention. This would help to stem the outflow of millionaires from India and boost the country’s economy.

Consequences for the country

The outflow of Indian millionaires can have a number of negative consequences for the country, including:

1. Reduced economic growth. Millionaires are often entrepreneurs and investors who create jobs and drive economic growth. When they leave the country, they take their money and talent with them, which can slow down economic growth.

2. Brain drain. Millionaires are often highly educated and skilled individuals. When they leave the country, they take their knowledge and expertise with them, which can create a brain drain. This can make it difficult for India to compete in the global economy.

3. Loss of tax revenue. Millionaires pay a significant amount of taxes in India. When they leave the country, the government loses out on this tax revenue. This can make it difficult for the government to fund essential services such as education and healthcare.

4. Damage to the country’s image. The outflow of millionaires can damage India’s image as a safe and attractive place to do business and invest. This can make it more difficult for India to attract foreign investment, which is essential for economic growth.


  1. How many Indian millionaires are leaving the country?

    In 2023, it is estimated that 6,500 millionaires will leave India. This number has been declining in recent years, but it is still significant.

  2. What are the most common reasons why Indian millionaires are leaving?

    The most common reasons include political instability, taxation, red tape, security concerns, and the quality of education and healthcare.

  3. Where are Indian millionaires going?

    The most popular destinations for Indian millionaires are Australia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Singapore, the United States, and Switzerland. These countries offer a number of factors that are attractive to wealthy individuals, including political stability, low taxes, good infrastructure, and a high quality of life.

  4. What can India do to attract and retain wealthy individuals?

    India can address the concerns of wealthy individuals by improving political stability, reducing taxes, streamlining bureaucracy, improving security, and investing in education and healthcare.

  5. Is the outflow of millionaires from India a worrying trend?

    Yes, the outflow of millionaires from India is a worrying trend. It suggests that the country is not doing enough to attract and retain high-skilled workers and investors. If the government does not address the concerns of the wealthy, it could face a brain drain and a slowdown in economic growth.

  6. Is India in decline?

    No, India is not in decline. The country is still growing economically, and it is home to a large and growing middle class. However, the outflow of millionaires suggests that India needs to do more to create a favorable environment for businesses and wealthy individuals.

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